【成果追踪】江南平台郭厦副教授合作论文在《Applied Economics》上正式发表


20239月,以江南平台教师郭厦副教授作为通讯作者的合作论文《The impact of cooperative membership on family farms’ income: evidence from China》在经济学国际知名期刊《Applied Economics》上正式发表。



Family farms and agricultural cooperatives play important roles in modern agriculture in many countries. Different from smallholder farms in scale, family farms have been designated as the predominant unit of farming in China in the recent decade. However, studies on the relationship between cooperatives and family farms’ income have been less frequent. Using survey data of 769 planting family farms in China, and employing the endogenous switching regression model, we examine the impact of cooperative membership on family farms’ operating income (including total and per capita income). The empirical results show that, after controlling for the selection bias, cooperative membership exerts a positive and significant impact on family farms’ income. And the income increase of non-member family farms if they had participated in cooperatives is much higher than that of family farms who are already members of cooperatives. Moreover, family farms that are common members of cooperatives, obtaining more centralized services and engaging in grain crop farming, would benefit more from cooperative membership. Technology-related service, marketing and information are critical pathways via which cooperative membership would increase family farms’ income.


Applied Economics》是经济学SSCI二区、2023年期刊目录B类期刊,为综合类经济学期刊,2022年的影响因子为2.51


郭厦,武汉大学金融学博士、技术经济及管理硕士,爱尔兰都柏林圣三一大学及都柏林大学发展实践硕士,现为江南官方网站(中国)副教授,硕士研究生导师。主要研究方向为农业经济学,政治经济学,发展经济学等,在《经济学动态》、《华中农业大学学报(社会科学版)》、《Applied Economics》、《Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics》等国内外学术期刊发表论文10余篇。主持国家社科基金一项,省部级基金两项,校级及横向课题数项。